Statistics on Mental Health Care

Currently in the United States 1 in 5 people have experienced one form of mental illness in the past year which has affected their quality of life. 56% of which did not receive treatment. Not only did this affect the lives of those who needed help, the affect on the US economy was staggering. An estimated $193 billion was lost due to absence from work and lost productivity. The number one reason for those not seeking or continuing treatment? Cost.

Clinicians themselves face hurdles to their careers. They need tools to practice. These include documentation systems, billing systems, medical malpractice, rent, phone lines, etc. They need to advertise to find clients. All these fees get passed on to the patients themselves. At the end of the day, therapists on average get paid around $59,000 per year. Many online platforms currently focused on the mental tele-health market pay even less than this.

Here at TOD we are developing the platform that is going to change this system.

Detailed Breakdown of the Situation of Mental Health in America